#Dont give up, The Word of God NEVER fails.
Below are just a few of the many testimonies we share to encourage you to keep the faith .
Sister Mala – Sunford
This sister had a full body skin allergy for one and a half years. She had to use chronic medication internally and externally. This affected her social life and self esteem; she had to always cover up even when it was humid. By faith, she came in for prayer, believing that only Jesus can heal her completely. After prayer she felt immediate relief. On her next visit to the clinic, she advised the dispensary assistant that she no longer needs those medication. Jesus has made her well.
Sister Maliga – Shastri Park
Our mother, being a new believer, was experiencing severe back pain and kidney problems. After consulting with different doctors, they found she had cancer and would not be walking again. Sister Maliga, refused to believe that the Jesus that lives in her would not perform a miracle for her. After being hospitalised and still being told she won’t walk again, she took a hold of raw faith. The prayer team united for a supernatural breakthrough. Today our mother, who is still under cancer treatment, is not on her bed or wheelchair. She can walk and continuously speaks divine healing over every area of her body. The doctor’s report is not final, Gods report is. She is experiencing progressive healing daily.
Sister Charlene – Redfern
This young woman of God was diagnosed with lupus (a fatal disease) a few weeks ago. Having experienced Christ healing power before, she had faith for a supernatural healing. After praying for her, she went for a second test. The results showed NO SIGNS OF LUPUS. Thank you Faithful Jesus.
We have seen firsthand the power of Jesus over marriages, finances, ministries, etc. Healing and deliverance is our portion. All God requires is for us to believe that He can. If anyone can…Jesus Christ can.