Shema Assembly was established on the 13 March 1994, founded by the late Pastor Sam Chetty. August 31 2011 saw a new beginning as Pastor Krish Chetty took on the role of Shepherd from his late dad. Our mission is to equip individuals, birth the Supernatural element back into the churches, and reach out to the unsaved. We want to demonstrate the Good News of Jesus Christ Resurrection power.
The Body of Christ is a powerful tool in influencing positive, abundant, victorious change. The world around us is corrupt, evil, filled with abuse, violence, addiction, diseases, poverty and disaster. If ever there is a time for us to unite, it is NOW. The unity in churches will cause an outpouring like never before. This overflow will ignite our cities and the nations will experience the goodness of our Saviour.
We encourage believers to connect with us in being the change our generation needs. May our lives be filled with a greater flow of God’s presence and His sweet anointing. May our worship to Him and His Word to us be increased daily in grace and revelation.
Remember, we have heaven on our side. This is our time to shine so let us make every effort in fulfilling our purpose without fear, in increased faith, gratitude, favour and victory. #Glory FIre Power of Jesus.
Our Banking Cheque Account:
If you wish to support Shema Ministries financially you may do so.
STANDARD BANK – Shema Assembly Current Account.
ACCOUNT NUMBER – 252637518
BRANCH CODE – 044926 Phoenix
We have various departments and projects that need financial aid:
Community Outreach Work
City Takers Project
“On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.” 1 Cor 16:2