Christmas at Shema 2018

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This past Saturday, 8 Dec 2018, was Shema Assembly’s annual community outreach – Christmas At Shema – where they give out much needed food & Christmas hampers to the disadvantaged in the surrounding community.

Over 800 people came for hampers and food. They were all helped both physically and Spiritually. Some were saved and some were healed. Over 200 hampers were given out and 800 people were fed.

This is an amazing opportunity for the church to serve their local community by providing a much needed service. How many churches today just meet every Sunday but never reach out to those who need to hear the Word of God?

Churches need to be active in their communities and provide services that are much needed for the people outside the church – like hampers over Christmas time – this opens the door for the Gospel to be preached and people to be saved.

Pst. Krish Chetty speaking to the people waiting for their hampers.

A word from the Pastor of Shema Assembly – Pastor Krish Chetty….

Christmas at Shema is one of the many exciting events at our church. The goal – to share the love of JESUS in our community of Sunford, Phoenix. It’s an opportunity to give back as a church – through the handing out of Hampers,Food Parcels and most IMPORTANTLY an ENCOUNTER with JESUS.

We use these opportunities to pray for people that are going through challenge’s, like drug addiction, poverty, sickness, demon possession,etc. These people don’t know the POWER OF JESUS that can destroy every work of the devil.

One such miracle was when a mother that was prayed for, got healed. She had a condition that affected both herself and her daughter, who lives nine hours away. Once the mother got healed, supernaturally the daughter got healed as well. Now that’s the joy of these events – exposing darkness and establish the KINGDOM of GOD.

GOD Bless You

Pastor Krish Chetty

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18–20

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