2020 -2030
2020 is here! I thought this being the first blog for the new year, I would start by celebrating the goodness of God! We at Shema Ministries (and like most churches out there as well) believe this year… this decade is going to see a new movement of God.
We believe it is a year of restoration – a year of increase – a year where chains & limitations will be broken – a year He will enlarge our territory!
We believe the Holy Spirit is going to pour out the fruits & gifts in a greater measure. We have entered this year with great expectations, and we encourage you to do the same.
How would you be able to receive this you may ask? The answer is simple – change your position ….by changing your mindset.
You change your mind set by aligning yourself with the purpose God has created you for. Surrender your thoughts, your emotions and your will unto Him. Spend more time seeking His presence; mediating on His word and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you.
The past may have been difficult for you. I know 2019 has been an extremely challenging year for me but I chose to stand firm & stand strong as the bible continually encourages us to do. Don’t be discouraged by the situations surrounding you but rather be encouraged by His promise of never leaving you nor forsaking you. Now that would be an example of mindset change.
His word also states:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Cor 5:17 NIV)
Let’s leave the hurt, pain and disappointments we experienced where it belongs – behind us!
I know personally how challenging that can be, but it is possible – keep at it! Break those chains by releasing forgiveness & let’s walk into our God ordained inheritance. You may feel you have lost too much and you are not able to get it back. If that is how you feel – then you are underestimating the God you serve, for you He CAN restore and for you He WILL restore, He does love you that much so just ask Him. He will enable to you to:
CROSS OVER TO TAKE OVER! This 2020-2030 decade is the time to do just that.
Remain blessed and may this message encourage you to be expectant of the great things to come! Amen